Wednesday, June 11, 2014

A Rather Romantic Hat

In the classic novel Anne of Green Gables a funny and embarrassing event occurs and the line "I suppose it is a rather romantic way to perish, for a mouse" is spoken. I thought of that line the day we saw the lower falls of Yellowstone's grand canyon.

There sat the hat, dejected.
A cheap seven dollar Walmart hat.
 Not unique,
not fine,
not particularly appealing.
 Destined to be bought on sale by a Walmart shopper (not always the classiest crowd) and inevitably to be stepped on in the bottom of a closet, 
 until eventually the hat would be thrown away or given to DI where it would sit for years on a shelf and never be re-purchased. 
But not this hat.
This hat was bought, not by an average shopper wanting a gardening hat, but bought last minuet (by someone who makes every hat look worthy of Audrey Hepburn) as a hat to keep the sun off on hikes in the great National park of Yellowstone.
That's right, I bought this hat especially for our trip.
I could sense right away that this hat in the middle of the stack (because it had never been tried on before) was a rather romantic hat,
 and that totality a style I can handle.
The hat sat in a car for hours before it was worn outside, and then,
 oh the beauty this hat saw.
 For the first time the hat felt hope for a life that didn't end on the shelves of thrift stores or garbage cans.
The rather romantic hat felt a deep connection with the wild and rugged beauty of the National park,
 No mere playground could compete.
 The hat knew that for the rest of its hat life
 it would wistfully look back on these days at the national park as defining and freeing.
Hat began to form a plan.
Hat sat gracefully on the head of it classy owner through many sights,
 until at last at one fateful stop;
 it happened.
The hats fake straw heart lept with joy
 as in the windy rainy afternoon it overlooked the lower falls of Yellowstone canyon.
With a graceful leap so quick it could not be stopped,
the hat lept into the wind and storm 
and with wings of golden (fake) straw
flew over the cliff edge
tumbling poetically down to the frothy river below.
Hat rode down the river,
 to lakes and valleys
 of the beautiful and exciting
 Yellowstone National Park.
I suppose it was the most romantic thing any hat could do. 
As I said I could sense from the beginning that this was a rather romantic hat.

                                                                   the end

Tuesday, June 10, 2014

The makeover of a chair

I got this chair about 10 months ago from Savers. I kept it in the garage for a few months waiting to finish it before I finally just used it as the office chair. Unfortunately the seat cushion was uncomfortable so I moved it to my sons room where I would not have to worry about it.

Finally yesterday I got moving and refinished it.
I layered a few paint colors mixed with plaster and distressed it.*
I used 80 grit sand paper and then went over everything with fine 220 for a smooth finish.
The fabric was left over from some other projects.

I love how light it looks finished. Its the perfect place to read bedtime stories, which is one of my favorite things to do with my kids. 
The bedtime story last night was The Cloud Spinner.  (A very cute story)

*Note- I used sample size paints that where about 3/4 full and then mixed in about a teaspoon (a little less) of the plaster it helped the consistency of the paint so that the finish would not be so latex-like. This is not the "proper" way to do this but it was incredibly cost effective and I had no problems with the finish. I normally sand before I paint wood but because I was going for a really distressed look anyways I did not worry about sanding this chair. I did cover the top with a clear wax to protect the finish. 

Idaho Falls Temple

Let me apologize for saying I would finish and then taking a break- I got into my "redecorate everything right now" mindset.
None of the pictures have been photo-shopped (just so you are aware)
 The last things we did on our trip where in Idaho falls  Rexburg and The St. Anthony Sand Dunes.
In Idaho falls we had a great time with Mitchell's Parents. We went to Red Robbin (a  Hill family favorite) and the Candy Cottage. Jon loves sweets I think he enjoyed taking the kids there. Mitchell and I went Window shopping at one point and then in the Evening we went to the Idaho falls Temple Visitors Center. For more information about LDS temples click here.
We had a wonderful experience with our kids there it was wonderful to teach them more about the Savior and watch them learn. A sister missionary gave us a short tour and she had the kids touch the prints int he hands and feet of the Christs Statue, we talked to the kids about how much Jesus loves us.
It was truly special.

Friday, May 23, 2014

TV show Nonsense

You know TV shows?
I wont wait for your response I will just assume you do know of them.
Well I am not your typical TV viewer. I am quirky in the ways I do thing.
For example do you remember friends? )Everyone seems to) –Get this I have never watched one single episode.
Wait there’s more… Reality shows? Don’t watch them, I have seen a few episodes of “so you think you can dance” but not on TV more like seeing a few routines off of you tube.
Don’t even ask about those hospital shows. Not interested.
I do have a few shows that I do watch though…. But not in a “normal way”
I hope you all recall (and surly you do)  “the office” yes that show was big when I was in high school and mostly college (people would have “the office parties” –I went to BYUI (an LDS university)-they have nice clean party’s at those places) the “peer pressure” to watch the office was great. However the excitement everyone else had for the show did not encourage my participation, it might have even fueled my –I am so not going to watch that show-attitude.
But life is a funny thing. I was so cocky about my lack of TV show watching –ness.
The office ran from 2005-2013 (I had to google that because I honestly didn’t know)
I didn’t watch any of it until every single season became available on netflicks- and then for a reason I have quite forgotten- I watched them all. (over a good few month period) mostly while I folded laundry during naptime.
Yup. After everyone else was done and moved on I finally decided I liked the show and watched the whole thing.
So a few years ago I heard about a British show-a period drama called (you guessed it) Downton Abbey.
Sounded like my type of show I am after all a lover of classic British literature and period shows in general.
But I did not watch the show-or feel intense interest in it-after all-it was a TV show, and a drama at that.
My sweet husband has suggested several times that I try watching it-its on amazon prime- so last night I did.
That was a dumb idea, 3 hours later I realize its eleven thirty and I didn’t even fold my laundry while I watched. I was hooked and wanting to watch another episode right then.  
You are guessing where this is headed right?
Nope you’re wrong.
Sorry (I could not resist) See the problem was that I sat up and felt annoyed- I don’t  want to feel like I have to watch to find out such and such because all of the plots and sub plots are ridiculous. So I got up this morning and wasted my time reading spoilers finding out what happens in the next seasons (up to season 5 which I can only presume is going on now) and its all out of my system. To tell you the truth I am quite relived it seems like an incredibly annoying show to be really into-all of the stupid plot turns and sordid junk.
I think I am just the Seinfeld type- I love that show-its about nothing.
Other shows I Like that are “current” are:
Psych –except not now the year long break and the so-so last season lost our interest –but we own the first 6 seasons
The big Bang Theory- Got the first 4 season for Christmas-watched them all-Tried watching each week, again lost interest.’
That’s all folks


Being a mom is the hardest and most rewarding job I have ever had.
there are days though, when it strikes me a comical. You see this (stay at home mommy-ing) was what I always wanted to do when I grew up.
So it’s funny that I have days that are so frustrating, where I feel so unhappy with my accomplishments I guess what I pictured it in my head was a little bit of a fantasy. The fantasy included a perfectly clean decorated house and perfectly clean dressed children and perfectly prepared meals. (And of course I would look perfect too)
I (maybe you but not me) will not have my house perfectly clean with dinner on the table every night. I have plenty of messy house and frozen food dinner days.

It’s okay though. When I give my kids a goodnight hug and talk to them it’s clear to me that the person who cares the most about all those to do lists is me. As long as I am trying my best and looking my kids in the eyes and saying “I love you” my family is pretty darn satisfied with what I do. So I should be too after all being a mom is about the kids ;)

Tuesday, May 20, 2014

Skipping rocks

In order to get a really great skip, you must find the right rock.
The best ones are smooth and flat and round.
There is a subtle art to rock skipping.
My boys finding the right skipping rock

I know what you’re thinking now, you’re thinking. Wait isn’t this a little family blog? We are supposed to be talking about cute crafts, and kids and cooking. So I will just tell you to hold your horses for a min ( that part is coming).
(here is that part)
Making memories with our kids is like skipping rocks. We send out in a direction traveling the long distance; but , and here is the key part. Only occasionally does the rock skid down and smack the water. Its like life really, we don’t usually remember the whole journey just certain moments.
My point-I don’t really have one, I just think it’s important to make as many memories with our families as we can (logically the increased frequency  would improve the chance of one of those memories actually being remembered. )
We went to the nearby Lake for FHE (Family Home Evening) again, we go there a lot. I just love getting out and away.

Also yesterday I began painting some dark shelves. I am painting them white and I will probably hang them up today. I love simple refinish fixes!

Monday, May 19, 2014

Weekend wonders

Yesterday was my grandpa's birthday! To celebrate we took a trip to the park. Always fun times. Its wonderful to see my children play with their cousins and second cousins and make memories similar to the wonderful memories I have of family gatherings.
Those are the types of memories that make me feel positive about life!
 I am so grateful for having a family!

Saturday I went yard sale-ing with a good friend of mine. I had five bucks in my wallet and on the 5th stop I found a large side table lamp for …. You got it $5. Pretty sweet deal, I could not resist.

But for 5 dollars it will certainly work as a temporary fix. Eventually I hope to be able to carry out my design plan. It is really a creative and artistic thing to decorate a room, a well-appointed room is art (to me at least). I so love to make a beautiful and comfortable home that works perfectly for our family.
So without further ado here is the 5 dollar lamp.

 -coming soon an incredibly exciting (or unexciting) lamp shade recycle/update!